Saturday, November 9, 2019

"Pipeline" Ink on paper, 43x38.5cm, 2002-2006

This work features a Pipeline protruding through a mountain surrounded by farmed and eroded land. The vegetation is sparse and harsh, expressed by the way I painted them as well. It has none of the delicate subtlety of Chinese art I am influenced by. A bleak uniform sky hugs closely a landscape punctuated by mans pressure for resources. The land groans for salvation. The work is painted on excellent quality watercolor paper.

Poseur Print On Sale Now Until 22nd December 2019

Poseur Screen Print, 30x55cm, Number 11/40, Signed and Dated 2004

Monday, November 21, 2011

Te Tohu

Te Tohu
Oil on Canvas

This bird portrait painting is of an Albatross. Its painted in multiple layers of pastel colour. The application is reminiscent of Cezanne's mark who has been an influence in my work. The intent for me though is to create a shifting sense of light and form. Futhermore, the title means "The sign" and in that respect I have integrated into the form of the bird a sign of a powerful spirit.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Kokako Aria

Kokako Aria
Oil on Canvas

The painting  is of the Kokako which is a native bird of New Zealand. The bird is reknown for its beautiful bird call. The birds posture in the painting is like the diva of an opera before or perhaps after the final curtain call. In essence, all the combined elements are one as they allude to the mystical union of an Atua in nature.

Takahe Chick

Takahe Chick
Oil/Gold Leaf on Board

Takahe Chick is a painting of a specimen at the Auckland Museum. The bird is preserved in its chick stage of evolution.Takahe's are an endangered New Zealand Bird endemic to New Zealand. Recent efforts to increase their numbers have been successful with some relocated to remote New Zealand Islands. The use of Gold Leaf adds a luminous element to the work. The use of Gold Leaf is from the influence of Religious Icon painting.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Seagull Bird Portrait

The Karanga
Oil on Canvas

This portrait of a Seagull is a large format oil painting on canvas.The background was a wall from the Auckland Museum in which the specimen is contained.

Whekau Bird Portrait

Oil on Canvas

This portrait of a Whekau is an oil on canvas.The Whekau was a native New Zealand Owl which was called the Laughing Owl by colonial settlers to New Zealand. The image is taken from a specimen at the Auckland Museum. Flecks of vivid green come through below the muted tones of  feathers to enliven surface and form.